The Cali Garmo and his smart car Mandelbrot take on the US!
By thecaligarmo, Published on Sun 09 June 2013
South Dakota had a pretty nice state capitol building. Built in 1910 the capitol cost a little under \$1,000,000 which brings it up to roughly \$58,000,000 in today's dollars which doesn't seem like much compared to some of the other ones I've seen. I think the coolest part about the capitol building was that it had a lot of history within it even though it was fairly new. One example of this was the 'legend of the blue tiles'. Apparently when the terrazzo tiles were put in the italians who constructed it wanted their names somewhere, but they weren't allowed to. So instead they put in 66 blue tiles randomly throughout the building in order to represent themselves. The fun part is that only 55 tiles have ever been found. No one knows where the other 11 are. So fun! Some of the tiles are even heart shaped!
Other than the fun with the tiles it was a fairly standard capitol building.